Do you eat the bristly sepals..

..or just the petals?

Not a bad day (not much rain, as forecast by Croftcrafts!), a little overcast with two showers.. Been weeding again and pulling up groundkeeper potatoes (self sets from last year). Got a nice haul of small potatoes that will be nice for tea tomorrow. Couldn't eat them today as it's a "fasting" day. Hope to be below 101 tomorrow when I weigh..

I've worn my fingers out, they're a bit tender around the nails. I can't weed in gloves, I need to be able to feel what I'm doing, and there were a few buttercups to pull out, and docks..

Was able to clear the row of climbing french beans, and have put up support for them, in the same way I did the peas. Fence posts, rope top and bottom, and netting fixed with plastic ties.. Might get a crop now!!

Bottled another brew of beer, and just have a plate of salad with lettuce, mizuna, mizuba, tomatoes, basil, a cucumber, and coriander out of the tunnel, plus a selection of flowers to brighten it up. No salad cream. No dressings. Just salad.

Got in touch with my seed supplier as the hotel is keen on the strappy leaves that come in a seed mixture. They said it was mizuba, so at 4:35 I ordered some seed. Don't expect it until Thursday, but knowing the supplier, it could turn up in the post tomorrow. I'll keep you informed!

Music, this is a wonderful cover of the Velvet Underground song..

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