
By Croft16


..a quick trip to Sheigra while G was doing her yoga in KLB to get 26 bags of horse manure. Took Tanni for a run on the beach at Oldshoremore, and called in to see how D was getting on with his garden. AND back in time to pick G up.

Called in at the shop to pick up some posters, and the garage to get some petrol for the mowers, while G dropped the eggs off to Dr Anne.

Then unloaded the trailer, and washed it out. Took the tractor down to the croft to move the bags to the dung heap, and spent the rest of the day weeding and picking stones. A bucket of weeds one way, a bucket of stones on the way back..

G got a call saying the hotel needed some salads, so stopped and harvested those, weighed and delivered. Might as well have a pint while we were there!

A nice day, warm and sunny, had shorts on underneath my overalls!!..

This shot taken on the way back from the hotel, some boats down by the fish farm..

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