Extreme photography?

Had a lovely afternoon in Liverpool again, without becoming so cold that my nose might freeze off this time. Met up with Annie and MV on a hastily organised blip meet and spent a couple of hours in the Anglican and Roman Catholic Cathedrals in the city.Shots here

I took this shot, whilst MV was taking this photo. I knew what he was going to do...he darted out into the road ...I ran off five shots of him, whilst he ran off a few of the cathedral without getting run over ...when he dashed into the road, I can assure you that the yellow amphibious vehicle was nowhere to be seen. He's just lucky!!!

Managed to have ten minutes reflective time in the RC cathedral - thought about Grandad, partly because its 'that' time of year, but more-so because the Cathedral reminded me strongly in layout of the church that Grandad's funeral was held. I can only assume that the church (RC) was built to reflect the style of the Cathedral. Lit a candle for him and went off to take some shots. When we came back down, his candle had gone out so I had to re-light it. I think Annie and MV thought I had lost my marbles!

That's all. All that rain and fresh air has wiped me out so its time for an early night.

Thanks you two ;-)

We might manage one more Liverpool trip before the wedding...

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