Some days ...

...just make you go cross eyed.

For a variety of reasons, today was one of those days. Praying that a friend is OK. Pondering on the nature of technology and the way that everything is 'public domain' and the fact that some people seem to think that it is acceptable to use technology as a way to bully and offend others. Reflecting on the logic of teenagers (yes, I know that is an oxymoron).

Its 8.15 in the evening. I am procrastinating - I must go shopping. I don't want to go shopping. we have no food. I must. Ah s**t. I hate shopping. I must locate my iPod. Its the only way. Maybe tesco instead of Asda.

Jeez. The high powered decisions I get to make. I really do earn my money!


PS - if you didn't see our super cute moggies last night that Corin posted, please take a look. Even I (the unfeeling, hard nosed ice maiden that I am) said "awwwwwwww".
Corin is aiming to post his 100th blip on our wedding day I think - hence why he is leaving gaps at the moment.

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