
By cowgirl

Corn Dog!

Another nice walkies with Jo and Fossey today and I remembered take a photo!

I'm a bit knackered tonight and off to bed as soon as I've done this. I woke up with a headache at 4a.m. and although I took pills that cleared it enough for me to sleep, Sav was in good form, snoring! I did wake him a couple of times, but he just started again, so I gave up the idea of sleep, planning to have a nap after our walk.

Sav always comes out to say hello if he's home when we get there, and as he was chatting to Jo I realised I still needed to revamp his CV. By the time I'd done that it was time for work.

Sav was busy cooking one of the dishes in our new Indian cookery book when I got home and it smelled good! I went to have a sit down for a moment, when I heard swearing from the kitchen and then a plea for help....

Sav had cut the tip of his thumb off chopping coriander! It was bleeding copiously and he said he'd like to visit A & E. and as he's not one for making a drama, I immediately got the car keys. We went to our nearby health centre first to see if a nurse could attend to it, but they wouldn't even take a look at it, saying we had to go to the hospital. So much for our big, new, flash health centre then.

We did set off in the direction of the next town where there's a small hospital, but he decided it was easing off so we could deal with it at home.

Honestly some people will do anything to avoid doing the washing up! As we finally sat down to eat, I made him laugh by saying blood, sweat and tears had truly gone into making this meal!

Luckily it's his left hand. He can still hold a pencil and is now happily finishing off a drawing he's been working on for a few days. That'll be tomorrow's blip sorted then!

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