
By WeeDragon_J

Here's to you Dad

Foodbank this morning busy with lots of things including explaining things and 'keeping an eye' on new two volunteers who had volunteered for the day as their work 'volunteer day'. Great idea to allow people to choose where they would like to volunteer as their day.

Today it is a year since my Dad passed away. His treat that he liked was a steak pie supper, so that was mine for today, along with a Tunnock's Tea Cake and a can of Barr's Red Cola.

Missing you, one thing I'm always grateful for was your share of nature experience and knowledge and also your support when I was instructing Tai Chi. I know if your were here now you would be asking about my photos and what I had seen on my travels. And I still smile when I see the swans and butterflies thinking of you. Taking me to the park to learn about the trees...

Sitting outside eating my supper with this lovely blue sky and fluffy clouds, thanks Dad. xxx

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