My Best Efforts - Year 3


Just a Few Blossoms Left........

............on my Philadelphus - and these are the ones on the shady side - it has not had so many flowers this year but - oh boy - the perfume has been wonderful! I'm not sure why it has not performed so well this time round - it was perhaps pruned just a little late last year! Any ideas welcome!

I have a quiet day today - no hospital or doctor appointments and no tests - oh dear, what on Earth shall I do with myself!!! - ha ha .

BOUI do not concern philadelphus - nothing very interesting there but just things that happened on the 16th July in other years:-

1) On this day in 1884, the first roller coaster in America opened at Coney Island, in Brooklyn, New York. Known as a switchback railway, it was the brainchild of LaMarcus Thompson, it travelled at approximately six miles per hour and cost a nickel to ride. The new entertainment was an instant success and by the turn of the century there were hundreds of roller coasters around the country.

2) The first parking meter, known as Park-O-Meter No. 1, was installed on the southeast corner of what was then First Street and Robinson Avenue in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on this day in 1935,

3) On this day in 1940, Marshal Henri-Philippe Petain, World War I hero, became Prime Minister of the Vichy government of France.

4) J.D. Salinger's only novel, The Catcher in the Rye, was published by Little, Brown on this day in 1951. The book, about a confused teenager disillusioned by the adult world, was an instant hit and will be taught in high schools for half a century.

5) On June 16, 1968, golfer Lee Trevino won the U.S. Open at the Oak Hill Country Club in Rochester, New York. His score of 275 for 72 holes tied a U.S. Open record.

Another lovely day here in Lincolnshire so far - the sun is shining and the temperature is just over 70Deg F. - just right!

Enjoy your day!

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