Parting is such SWEET sorrow

Today was our VT* Louise's last day at work; she is moving on to a new challenge like working with us wasn't challenge enough!.

She had made these little goody bags for everyone, with a little note on the tag. I love stuff like this, it shows sentiment and was a lovely thing to do.

We have a new guy starting in September, I don't think he realises what he's letting himself in least Louise learned to give as good as she got!

She will be missed by all of us, and I wish her well for the future. I think she has a very bright career ahead.

Goodbye & Good luck Louise! :-)

*VT or vocational training is what all dentists have to undertake for a year when they graduate dental school. They are given a work placement for the year, where they work under the guidance/supervision of another dentist (who has to be a VT trainer). At the end of the placement, they have to move on to a 'proper' job, and a new VT starts in their place.

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