Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Asleep on the Job

Lucky, he's self employed. A bit of retail therapy in Birmingham. I took the opportunity to visit the new library as there are a series of exhibitions and events on as part of an 'Images Season'. This gentleman wason the bridge between the old library and Centenary Square. He was just having a few minutes, much to the amussement of some passers by.

I'm not sure I enjoy street photography. Just after this I was on the balcony at the library and noticed some models and a photographer using the space. I decided to take a photograph of them against the cityscape, possibly as a Blip, only to be accosted by a most unpleasant young man, who believed that I was 'dissing' his girlfirend. In the past I would have come back at him but his demeanour and dilated pupils suggested retreat as the best option. I understand his opposing view and potential for invasion of privacy and it is probably one of the reasons I rarely go into this area of photography. Give me a landscape with no people in the scene any day of the week!

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