
By mydartmoorwalks

Northmore Cross

This is the smallest cross on Dartmoor 10.6 cm tall and 1.6 cm wide (see the largest cross on Dartmoor here). The cross first appeared in 1982. The cross was put here by Mr Northmore who farmed land nearby for 70 years and was intended as a token of his gratitude for having the privilege of working on Dartmoor for 70 years. He wrote

"If you should happen upon this tiny object think on the 70 odd years I have been privileged to ride and ramble over that which I have come to regard as my very own. It is made from the propeller shaft of an old ship which probably sailed many thousands of miles, what a beautiful spot for a final resting place, don't you think" Information taken from Legendary Dartmoor 2007.

What a difference a day makes! After the bright sunshine yesterday it was heavy cloud and rain for our walk today. There area few more gloomy pictures on my blog

Late this afternoon the sun came out and I did consider doing another blip of something a bit more cheerful and brighter. In the end I decided to keep this photo from my walk because Dartmoor is so often like this - I wouldn't want you to think the sun shines all the time!

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