Va va vooooom

So there we have it. Schools out for another year.
We had lots of tears from the year 6's today. Lots of shirts to sign. Bless them. A few groups have been together since pre school and are now moving to different high schools. Oh the drama.

The year 2's are excited to be moving up into KS2. Amy hasn't stopped telling me since she came home. Lol

Lewis is now on his DofE. We had a few tears this morning before I left for work........ Lewis was fine. I. On the other hand was a wreck. He's been away from home before. He's been to Spain with out me. But for some reason I'm more worried about him walking round Cannock chase on his own. Than that. It's sooooo hot bless him.

I've been to see my GP today. What a rigmarole. They were running an hour late. And then I find out its a locam doctor as mine has left the surgery. Ggggrrrrrr. Anyway. The upshot of that was I'm now on happy pills for the next 6 months. Mixed feelings but I've been strong for long enough now. It's time to give my brain a rest.

I've ranted on long enough I think.
Hope your all well.


Oh. The picture. The reason I'm here. My friends son popped round in an Austin Martin vanquish. V12. I LOVE Austin Martins. It's on my bucket list to drive one. Well I didn't drive this one. But I did sit in. Start it. And rev vavavavvvvvvvvvvom the engine. Happy happy happy jenny

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