A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Rescued cake

A lovely day today. Cold still lurking but largely masked by some marvellous medicine. Hurrah for scientists, I say.

We had a friend of Anna's, and her mom, over for lunch and play after nursery this morning. The girls played really well together and the grown ups got to enjoy a very civilised coffee and chat.

After lunch, we had agreed to make a cake, so an expected amount of mess later a sponge cake was in the oven and the girls had returned to their play. Turns out this was largely key-worker role-play (schools and hospitals), though eventually the worthiness must have worn off as it turned into shoe-shops.

Meanwhile, the cake was cooking. Or so I thought when I put a skewer in the middle and it came out clean. Sadly it transpired that the middle was not cooked, though the cake did manage to withstand a fairly heaving icing and sprinkles attack before the sinking began. A quick cut around the edges and enough cake to satisfy lunch and tea pudding needs was rescued, phew. The edible bits were really good and reminded me of steamed sponge puddings my mom used to make when we were kids. I've since learned from my mom that my mistake was in not listening to the cake. Well, there you go. Next time...

So many things about this brought Homer* to mind. Possibly the doughnut effect of the sunken middle. Or the pink icing with sprinkles. Or imagining the look of horror on his face as the uncooked part was assigned to the bin. Or imagining him sneaking into the bin afterwards - his idea of cake rescuing. Or this will teach me to make my daughter's face yellow.

The picture is cropped to hopefully be large enough to give a sense of the cake whilst being small enough not to cause any migraines.

Lesley x

*from The Simpsons to avoid any confusion :-)

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