
By pixelatedpete

ate ma greens

got this mandolin as a leaving present from a job i kinda regret leaving. probably i'm just remembering the good things, but it did have a lot going for it, including the location, which would make my wife happy. it was permanent too. i guess i was young and foolish or something.

all that said though, i did get a mandolin which is a very kind and generous present. and i am, right now, in a job i like. (one day i'll photo the classical guitar i got from another place too - one that has changed a lot so i don't much regret leaving there, not this time).

occasionally and not nearly as often as i should, i still practice to play mandolin - i don't think that ever stops - and luckily it is the same tuning as a fiddle so i feel like i'm doing two instruments at once (which, of course, isn't true - there is far more to just where your fingers go).

i guess i should write love songs and go serenade my old employers. or maybe scream out blues about catching the train. or maybe i should stick to the folk and look to the future. no regrets. or maybe record the sound of the lens auto-focussing makes when it plucks the strings! :-)

(I can't decide if its the focus or they really are vibrating due to the autofocus!)

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