My Best Friends

I cannot even imagine life without these books!! ;-)

I find it easiest to look in them to identify the bird and get it's correct scientific name and then I go to the internet for more info! Works like a charm for me and with R snr's help, he knows bird species quite well, we seldom fail to identify the species from these books! The pictures in here are to die for!!

We had quite an eerie experience this afternoon!! Chino came in from the back garden, chewing on something, and here we are, thinking it is a leaf again, 'cause the both of them are forever carrying leaves into the house.

R snr grabbed it out of her mouth, only to discover it is an embryo of a Hadeda Ibis (Bostrychia hagedash)!! Ooooohhh!! Yikes, it was quite upsetting!

It had very few feathers, the teeny weeny beak was well formed, but the body was só empty, surely not formed yet! We have NO idea how it landed up in their possession because our backyard is só enclosed, no Hadeda ever seen there either, they don't come so close to home! Must be from a broken egg, but how did it end up here?

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