Return to the North

By Viking

Bit of a frost

Was up as the sun rose this morning (being winter that wasn't particularly early. Almost the first thing I saw was a mention on Facebook from a friend about how it was a year ago that she and her hubby had been flying back from Amsterdam to NZ via Malaysia. A strange thing to say I thought so i checked the news. Oh my goodness what a tragedy. The reverberations around the world could be far reaching but my heart goes out yet again to the families of the innocent victims, not just on the flight but in the Ukraine where this war goes on constantly and in Palestine where endless innocents are killed. Where will it all end? When will we stop ignoring it if it doesn't affect us? Will the recriminations this time be purely because foreign nationals were on board?

Anyway while it was still reasonably early I packed my heater, bag and thick coat in the car to head into work. Managed about 3 hours before it was too cold.

This shot was of the frost on the car

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