
Or, this could possibly be Henry calling the Mrs. home -- hard to tell. All I know is that Mr. or Mrs., this gull spent the entire evening squawking continuously to the point that I was afraid somebody would come out and shoot him/her.

Every year a pair of gulls raises a brood on this neighbor's roof. This year I've only seen one gull and I thought it was calling for a mate because it's been squawking every evening for the last week. I thought it was a love story gone bad -- you know, dad got wiped out by a semi, or mom died in childbirth -- something dramatic. Tonight, though, a baby popped up from the other side of the roof so maybe things are okay. I still don't know why he/she is making all the racket and I've only seen the one gull so I suppose something could have gone terribly wrong but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the whole happy family will show itself soon so I can stop worrying about them.

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