Bye bye baby

Mr A has left me.....thankfully only for the next couple of weeks.

He's off again with work, on the Manchester United pre season tour of America, taking in L.A. for a week, then Denver, Detroit, Washington & Miami.

I'm going to miss him terribly; the house will be quiet without him, that's for sure.

It's also a bit scary as I'm 'head gardener' in his absence.....eeeeeek! that's probably how the plants feel too!

Last year, he lined up some surprises for me while he was away, but admits he's not arranged anything for this year, which he feels bad about.
I don't care.
He's the best thing I could ever have, my life is a much richer place with him in my heart; everything else is material (or immaterial, depending how you look at it).

These 2 weeks will fly by and once he's home, it's then only 4 weeks until our own American adventure. Ace.

I asked him to pose for a photo before he left this was the original pose before he decided to behave nicely for the camera.
Tut. ;-)

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