
Or rather, my Mother's idea of lunch!

Next weekend is Mums 65th birthday, and we have a few things planned. Today though, I took her shopping to Boundary Mill as she wanted to buy some shoes for her birthday present.

She ended up bagging two pairs for £30 (bargain!) then insisted on buying lunch.

She chose a fresh cream eclair for starter, followed by a prawn salad for main (she never risks being too full for dessert, so eats it first).
I had a jacket potato and salad. No cake for me.

I'm tired today as I didn't get much sleep last night.
I think I was thinking about Mr A and hoping the flight was ok. He messaged me at just after 3am (our time) to say all was ok, he'd just been for beer & pizza and was on his way to bed.
I managed to sleep after that, despite the thunder!

He's called me today just to say hi, it's amazing to think he's on a whole other continent.

One day closer to him being home :-)

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