Stone glow

Since I started my photo a day project on January 15th 2012 and since then - slowly, incrementally, rather unsteadily - I've learnt bit about photography and photo editing. I've certainly learnt enough to have a rough idea how much I still don't, and probably ever won't, know about the art of being a photographer.

This photo I took today, though, is completely unedited. As I walked out of the cottage I noticed, not for the first time, the effect the setting sun was having on the stone. As I walked along, I took my camera out of my bag, thinking I'd photograph the next building I came to that was built from that stone but none of the others were being caught by the sun in the right way, so I had to go back to this one at the end of Salt Pie Lane.

Today was also notable for the first two performances of the primary school's summer production of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. Dan had wanted to play Willy Wonka right from the start and after the auditions he landed the part.

I wasn't at either performance today, but Dan's entrance to the matinée show got off to a rocky start when his forward roll went awry and he landed flat on his face. Cool as a cucumber, he got up, said "Well, that didn't go so well" and got on with the performance. Completely unfazed!

And then, in the evening show (which I was also absent from; I'm going tomorrow), another member of the cast threw up. Dan turned to the audience and said "We're just experiencing some technical difficulties. Don't worry, the Oompa Loompas are on the case." And then "But there you have the real message of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory': too much chocolate makes you sick".

I can't believe he's so unflappable!

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