
By Veronica

The end of the road

This photo is hardly a masterpiece, but it does record a historic occasion. Go large to see S emptying the tiny flask of water he collected from the Atlantic at Cap Higuer into the Mediterranean at Cap de Creus.

It was a blazingly hot day. I drove to the lighthouse at Cap de Creus where we'd arranged to meet at midday, and we easily found each other at the bar. I had not realised however that he hadn't yet done the last 500 metres to the sea, so I had to accompany him. His blisters were by now so painful that for the first time in history I walked faster than he did. But at least S was wearing hiking boots; I only had sandals which did not protect my feet from getting bruised and cut on spiky volcanic rock. There wasn't exactly a path, you just had to pick your way over the rocks down to the sea. It was so steep and awkward that I gave up in the end, which is why he is so far away in this photo :)

Having staggered back up the hill to the car, we were both hot and exhausted. However we soon cheered up when we got to El Port de la Selva where we'd booked a table at Ca l'Herminda. We've been to el Port de la Selva once before, years ago, and the only thing we remembered about it was eating lobster in this restaurant. So after S had ordered some water in order to down a hefty dose of painkillers, we had glasses of cava, foie gras, a lobster each, and a bottle of white wine, most of it drunk by S. Lovely! Then we drove home, stopping for a bit of shopping in La Jonquera, and when we got here S had a cup of tea and some more painkillers and went straight to bed ... I expect he'll feel better in the morning. I went and had an aperitif with some friends, but after six hours' driving I'm feeling pretty tired too, so it's off to bed for me.

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