Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Sea World

The Manta roller coaster at Sea World. They strap you in and then swivel you around 90 degrees so you're facing the floor, and your legs are in braces. Then they wait for ages before they set you off. It's madness!

David and I were on the front row - it was like flying, I loved it and would do it again,

Today was the hottest day we've had - it was absolutely brutal with no relief from any clouds.

Sea World is not the place for the cynical; someone somewhere had made a fortune writing cheesy songs about togetherness and unity, and they are piped over the park the whole time. Loudly. There are lots of animals but to see most of them you have to queue for an "experience". We waited an hour in a queue for a water ride and it broke down as we got to the front of the queue and we had to leave. Probably better than the "experience" for the people trapped in the boat in the searing heat for half an hour.

This sounds like I hated it, which I didn't; it's just that the Universal parks are much easier going and I think we've been spoiled by our fast passes.

The boys have downloaded an App which gives ride wait times and so they just went running over to get on the Gringotts ride as the wait time is "only" 80 minutes. Sarah and I are chilling before we head over ourselves to get soaked to the skin by a water ride that hopefully will not break down.

Last full day tomorrow, then a late flight home Sunday - I had a vague plan to go to Disneyworld, but I think that's gone out the window now.

Breakfast - pancakes and a banana, I am managing to stave off the scurvy.

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