Hot, hot, hot

Another hot 35°C day. While Angie and friend Corinna lounged around the pool, I set off with a trailer full of hedge cuttings to the local garden refuse recycling unit.

On the way back, popped in to Ottobeuren, passing through the hamlet of Eggisried where this photo was taken. Not a chapel but the local voluntary fire brigade house. The tower is not used for training on high storey buildings but used to hang up the firehoses to dry. The sign says "Voluntary Fire Brigade Guggenberg". Eggisried is part of the parish of nearby Guggenberg which was incorporated in to Ottobeuren in 1972.

Thanks to the heavy rain last week, the risk of forest fire is not high, yet. However I did take a dip in the pool in the evening although at 29.6°C the water was still 0.4°C too cold.

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