
The first part of this year's holiday is a trip to Dr T's ancestral home for his middle brother's 50th birthday. If he thought about birthdays like Dr T he could turn 5 instead...

We made our customary stop at Barter Books in Alnwick which didn't disappoint and provided today's photo. Soon after that we discovered that no family actually had room for us to stay over...

After much kerfuffle we secured a reservation at a nearby hostelry. I must say, after driving for six hours amongst roadworks on the hottest day of the year, my inner calm was restored thanks to the lovely woman on the reservation desk who gave us a large room (their old bridal suite, in fact) far away from the wedding party who are also saying here and clearly had a head start on drinking. Even though the party carried on well into the night, we didn't hear a thing. This has truly been a day of looking for the hidden blessings...

I'm way behind with blip and your lovely comments. Thank you so much for your kindness and patience. xx

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