More slugs and snails!!
Now the slugs and snails had a meeting, they came from far and wide ,
The chief of the group, a slug,being large fat and strong, he said if anyone doesn't agree with me you better go outside!
So now the pain of the temperature had to be discuss, it's like this he said .....
The rain I can stand it make the eating good,
The plants and shrubs are juicy and I can slither over the mud,
The sun it is a problem cos' I dry up in the heat .....
There's only one thing for it before I am beat!
We need to chat about how we can shelter otherwise we'll swelter!
A snail piped up, we need to get inside the house and make a good impression,
We must congregate around the door when morning light appears
As soon as the entrance is open we all must rush me' dears,
It is here we can survive and rest in comfort and seclusion ,
Well maybe not , I don't think the residents like us and will end our little session
Still we need to try even if we fail, still it could be worse being hit in the hail.
Thunder and lighting doesn't cause a problem, cos' it's followed by the rain
now we can reassemble and start discussing another plan again .
Not sure we will be any more successful but hey, let's continue being a pain!
Will my garden ever be free of these little creatures, I'm sure some one loves them!
Let me know and I'll bring them over!!!!!!
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