If You Could See Me Now


Man Land


"Leadership is an action, not a word." - Richard.P.Cooley

Man it would be cool if your last name was Cooley!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! - Don't you love people who laugh at their own jokes? It's even funnier when they laugh even harder coz you're laughing at them laughing and they think you're laughing at their joke - and then they're like "See, it was funny." And you're like "NO! You laughing is funny."

So, now that I've confused you all ;)

Spent the day sorting through photos, i'm updating my blipfolio tomorrow :)

I have to go to my old High School tomorrow to sort out some of my marks that have vanished.


The whole matter has annoyed me a little bit.

And I lost a necklace somehwere today.

(Oh, and this photo was taken in the garage - hence the title. It is a very manly garage)

There was a great article @galadarling.com today about what to do when you want to "Get The Light Back in Your Heart" :)

Hope y'all are having a great week so far!

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