
By middaypyjamas

A Grey Day

In a sense I did very little today, in another way I did a lot. I’m not even really sure it’s possible for anyone to do nothing with their day. Even if we were to just sit and watch TV or read all day you still input a bunch of new information and learn and think and update your collection of cognitive knowledge, reorganising anything new to filter and fit in with everything else that’s already there.

Part of my day was doing just that, but the bulk of it was taken up by my two types of work, both the paid and the unpaid. The paid happened at its usual place of Sunshine hospital where I did my usual stint in the usual time then headed back to the usual place, home. It was there that the unpaid work started. After last weeks tute I was keen to get a lot done having felt like I wasn’t as far along as some of the others. Mostly I think this was because of all the changes I had implemented into the story meaning I had to rewrite most, if not all, of the treatment, coming up with new twists, turns, and resolutions. Finalising all that and putting it into a very specific and structured template my classmate Paddy was kind enough to give me is what’s taken up most of my week, most of this day, and is what has started to give me a migraine.

This left me cooped up all day and more than ready to stretch my legs and go for a walk, which I did. It was just a simple one through my neighbourhood along which time I came upon this house. It was well weathered and incredibly interesting and so became my blip. I did one in black and white and, as the weather today could only be described as grey, thought it summed up the day quite well.

- Damian

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