
By middaypyjamas

Sydney Road at Night

After a long day I treated myself to some noodle hut, more specifically a noodle hut special combo thank you very much. My day was spent doing yet even more work for my screenplay. It was a day of writing, which, for this stage of the proceedings, isn't that fun to write about, ironically, and I'm guessing it wouldn't be very fun to read about either, so I won't bother.

What I will write about is my trip down to Sydney Road for my dinner. I had to leave my heated lounge room and brave the brisk weather, and so rugged up to do so in full puffy jacket and beanie. I got down there and though to take a long exposure shot of the traffic. The hard part was finding something to rest my camera on because I didn't have my tripod with me and try as I might I just can't quite hold it still enough. I eventually settled for a bench, which you can see the top of in the shot.

While taking this photo I saw the wonderful residents of Melbourne doing their thing, which included a pair sharing a bicycle, the back passenger seated on the basket rack with their legs held out in front of them. An older woman who chose to cross the road uncaring of who she held up and another person who did bother waiting for the crossing lights but who was wheeling a bike in one hand and holding there phone to their ear with the other and so bent over almost in half to use their chin to press the button. This city is beautiful at night.

- Damian

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