Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Tie (or) Die

I take care of the Best Child In The World....
(I just mind her, for a while, before I have to unleash her on the World...)

Due to a Dual-Parent Domicile Wardrobe Malfunction, the school tie went missing.
Not a big deal, one might think, but at dressing-up time this morning, the issue was raised.

"Daddy, any ties in the house?"
"School ties, is it?"

We re-wrecked her room, hunting for the aforementioned neckwear, to no avail..

And out the door, at 8.48.

Just approaching Quinns The Town, the issue was raised again.

"Da, if I dont have my tie today, Muinteoir (Teacher) says that I will lose five minutes of Golden Time this week....

Now, most of us here are old enough to have forgotten school, and childhood, and the priorities attached to those hazy, crayon scented times....
But sometimes something kicks you in the arse, and reminds you...
The loss of five minutes Golden Time, to you or me, might seem insignificant.
To an un-world-wearied nine year old, its an eternity, and a gross injustice, just because her stupid parents cant get their act together.....

There was no complaint, just a simple, Stoical, statement of fact.

"Darlin", I said, " Do Quinns sell the ties?"
"They do, Daddy."
"Tell ya what, I'll drop you to school, and come back down the town, and buy you a new one"
"Dont worry about it, Daddy.."

I waited til the shop opened at 9.30, bombed in, bought the necessary, and back to the school.
Knocked on the door of R.15, went in, and passed it on, apologising to the teacher, profusely, for the lack of red nylon, swearing "never again would it happen,, it was all my fault, Muinteoir, and sorry for disturbing..."

Walked out, breathless, dizzy, not sure why, until I realised thet for the first time in a long time, I had committed a purely selfless act, for the benefit of my child, so that she wouldnt be denied five short minutes of "Golden Time"

That fucking tie will probably be lost by this time next week again...

So, I think Im allowed cover her with stickers (courtesy of Ursula), dont you?

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