Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Petey Pie

Dont let the cherubic look fool you...

This man is dangerous...

Petey and his long-suffering wife, Clarissa, own The Gallic Kitchen, who cater, and marketeer. I have no doubt that it is the breasted one who does the bulk of the work.
Petey just specialises in bulk, quality style.

A Barrister by trade, Petey renounced The Bar for Rough Trading, in the madness that is the Irish weather.

Imagine this Hiberno-West-Brit-rumpled Rumpole of the Four Courts baritoning his way thro this, at seven of the ay.em., and you with a head like the Sainted Oliver Plunkett on you.....

"Oh they wear no pants,
In the Southern parts of France,
But they do wear leaves,
To protect them from the Bees..."

He also does a great line in risque jokes, ergo gratiatias, this morning, before the stout had really settled and become poisonous, physically...

No, I shouldnt, as this is a family website....

But suffice to say it involved a wealthy geriatric couple, a pre-nup agreement, the question of conjugal relations, and the interpretation of the term.....

Clarissa makes the pies, Petey sells them, con gusto...

I love Kilkenny Market.

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