Flowers on the croft..

Spear Thistle, or Scots Thistle, cirsium vulgare.

I find these rather graceful, the flowers are impressive, and they provide valuable feed for bull finches. Apparently you can eat the young roots steamed or raw, and peel the outer skin off the main stems. But they are classed as a "noxious weed" in the UK. I do strim the more common creeping thistles, cirsium arvense, although they grow back each year (but perhaps not so numerous).. We also get the yellow sow thistles, but they are a different family..

A nice day again, temperature reached 20 deg C again for the third day. A bit hazy at times, but it cleared late afternoon.

Been in the tunnel sorting the tomatoes out, cutting the lower leaves off to allow light in the the ripening fruits, and weeding.. It was very warm in there, even with both doors open..

Then walked down the croft for a cauliflower for tea, and then a run on the beach with Tanni. The beach was crowded by Scourie standards, there were 5 people in swimming, and three or four family groups. Lucky the were on the sandy Eastern end, while Tanni and I went towards the cemetery end. J & S were in swimming in wet suits..


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