
Woken first this this morning by thunder and lightning but I was too sleepy to get out of bed to take any photographs. I really should have as some of the storm sounded very close.

By the time I got up it was already pretty warm and there was a lovely breeze coming in. Looks like the landlord needs to do something about the window frames.

Off to work then the train to Luton, plane (more or less on time), drive (the car was still there after the holidays and I even remembered where I'd left it!) and finally home.

I left London in 32C and blazing sunshine. Edinburgh was a rather chilly sub-20C and windy.

For some reason the drivers north of Edinburgh were all driving like loonies this evening: go at 50 and sit in the overtaking lane? No problem. 60 up a hill and then 90 down in a woefully underpowered (and unstable looking) cube on wheels? Of course! How about driving your Range Rover really aggressively, cutting between lanes and cutting people up? Can do. Ah well, made it back in one piece. Now for the weekend...

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