A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


According to Analysis on R4 tonight we are, on average, as a nation not as productive as we have been. I don't think the economist in question was talking this short-term but I'm sure the Chancellor would blame the weather. And I might, for once (and once only) agree.

Fortunately J helped our averages by working hard today on his final piece of homework for the year and producing this maths game which they will apparently play in class tomorrow. Once you have visited all the areas and correctly solved the Chest Questions you will get a code to unlock the padlock on the Chest and get your prize. The box rattles to raise everyone's hopes but it contains a pebble and a note to the effect that what you have won is pride. I think it will be a shame to get beaten up on the penultimate day of term but he seems delightedly willing to take the risk.

Whilst all this work was happening at home I pulled the averages down by going to watch the dress rehearsal of the New Stager's latest play, The Heiress. Very enjoyable play and lovely to catch up with some folks I haven't seen in ages.

And now for the final, final holiday countdown to begin...

Lesley x

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