Summer Show 2014

4years 272days

Dancing, especially on stage, fills her with a joy I cannot describe. But then, on stage, I dont need to describe it as it explodes from her. Every single second she's there. It just oozes from her. She was a "big girl" for the little ones in their dances in the first show, and she danced her upcoming exam work and show dance in the second. She was a an utter delight to watch. Her first ever teacher came to find her to say what a pleasure it had been to watch her and how she lights up the stage when she's on it. She couldn't be more right.

Not only was she a wonderful little dancer, she was polite, helpful, excited, well behaved while we were back stage for the whole 8 hours. She was so so so thrilled to see her Grandad and Granny on the front row in the first show, then our dear friend Vic with Jaden for the second. She captured these for me as I was chaperoning and snuck in right at the front just for her performances. Very precious photos.

I treasure her shows, because they're adorable, but also because I get so much pleasure watching her shine, seeing her in her element. She looked a big girl tonight. I saw her with the babies and realised how she's grown, how she's come on, since that first show 2 years ago. So, so proud of her.

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