The Laws

By thelaws

Weather lore

Red sky at night; shepherds delight,
Red sky in the morn; shepherds warn.

The sun is low in the morning and in the evening.
At dawn and dusk, the sunlight has further to travel through the atmosphere.
Clouds appear red when the sun is reflecting from moisture laden clouds.
Red is one of the longest wavelengths in the colour spectrum.
Our weather mainly comes in from the West.
The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

So to see a red sky at night must mean that the sunlight is passing through the atmosphere and hitting the damp clouds in the East. If the sunlight is being reflected back from the clouds in the East then the clouds must have passed us by and thus we should have good weather the following day.

Conversely, if the sky is red in the morning then the sunlight is reflecting back from the damp clouds in the West and these clouds will probably be blown closer by our Westerly wind and so we should probably be expecting rain.

Makes sense to me, though whether I'm correct or not remains to be seen. Any meteorologists out there?

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