Year 2, Day 181 - Exterminate! Exterminate!

Busy day! Dale and I spent about 3 hours digging out an area of ground behind the greenhouse and it's now almost ready to slab - the hardest bit of work now done!

I then moved the blackcurrant bush and thankfully it came out easily. I just hope I haven't killed it because I get a good harvest from it every year!

Then we just pottered for a bit removing weeds - it's never-ending!

We had no internet today (posting this a day late) and because we don't have it today, I have realised how much we use it...

I was going to post a spider eating a fly but I didn't get a good shot, so here is a horrible, disgusting fly. I hadn't noticed the small fly at the bottom left until I downloaded them and it looks like the big fly is sending death rays to the small one!

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