
This is F1 celebrating having only 2 more days of school until the summer holidays. He really does come home looking like he's been dragged through a hedge backwards.

All F'er party invites have now gone out, despite the party not being until the end of august. We had to catch people before the end of term! F1 even took it upon himself to visit another classroom at school to make sure Harry got his (he hasn't played with Harry for over a year but still wanted to invite him, who am I to argue).

E had another supper today, and managed more than yesterday. I am also trying to get her to nap properly in her bed to see if it will extend the nap times from 30 mins to at least an hour. This worked for her first nap, but not the next 2. Thus she went to bed a bit emotional again even though I bought her bedtime forward by half an hour.

F2 had a play date with Tom, throughout which E wouldn't sleep so my quiet cuppa with S wasn't so quiet.

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