From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Confused? You will be!

Today was quite uneventful. If I ever took part in Mono Monday, today would just simply be Monotonous Monday. Even the birdies were very unenthusiastic today. Lucky was around giving me the evil eye. I wonder if he knows I used him for yesterday's blip?

As most of the English schools broke up for their summer break on Friday last week, it was very quiet indeed. I'd a couple of report amendments to get on with so that kept me out of mischief. I probably won't go to the office at all this week as Paul is on annual leave and Shauqat is on a training course Wednesday onwards. I'll see how I feel this time tomorrow.

After yesterday's walk to the airport and back where I got some nice shots like this one, I felt more lethargic than usual. I was pleased the robin had turned up early in the day.

Go larger...

At 3pm I logged off and caught the bus to Solihull Hospital to have my 24 hour monitor fitted. When I'd been for my annual check up at the Queen Elizabeth hospital a few weeks ago, they had arranged for that to be scheduled in as they wanted to add the results to my file. I'd moaned and said I didn't want to go over there to have it fitted to have to go all the way over there again the next day to have it removed so they arranged for it to be done at Solihull which is just up the road. I was there early and they saw me straight away. I had to sign a form to say I'd be back at 4pm the latest tomorrow or otherwise I'd have to pay £2900 to cover the cost of their equipment! That's enough to give anyone palpitations!

Back home later after my fish and chip dinner, a man phoned up from Scottish Power about energy saving. I was so distracted by his lovely accent that I did not jolt myself back to earth until he mentioned my gas! 'I haven't got gas!' I indignantly told him. It was only after a bit of a laugh that I realised he was talking about mom's address in Ayr rather than mine down here in Brum. My name is on both Scottish Power accounts since dad passed away. Anyway, I told him I definitely didn't need my old boiler servicing and managed with a bit of laughter to hang up in time for Coronation Street. Phew! I think I might have had a few palpitations there! ;-)

That brightened up the day considerably.

Track? Joe Bonamassa's new album is out in September which I have pre ordered. This is the title track from it - Different Shades Of Blue

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