at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Blue steel!

This is me and Daddy up the Duomo in Milan. It was ROASTING! I'm glad we got a solarweave carrier, it'd have been cooked in my usual ride.

Got the train to Milan (daddy took a lovely picture of mummy feeding me) mummy and daddy apparently totally messed up trains and went in the wrong direction so had an hours stop somewhere random and had to go for coffee- but I was asleep so missed this.

I enjoyed the trip up the duomo. I got let out to crawl about at the top. I fell asleep on the way down and I was so hot and warm that mummy worried I might have passed out from heat exhausion. We went into the cathedral too cool down.

We visited the science museaum before going back home, becuase they had some da vinci models mum wanted to see. I enjoyed myself becuase I convinced a greengrocer to give me a free apricot on the way there and I devoured it. Daddy got very excited by the original volts battery- I took a picture of myself with it.

We stopped for an apperitivo before getting the train and also went to a bakery where Mummy and Daddy got HUGE cakes they wouldn't share with me. I did get to eat some pizza on the train though.

On the train, mummy had to change my nappy in the toilet, which wasn't a very pleasant experience. I tried to be helpful by posting the packet of babywipes down the toilet. I got a bit confussed by the train floor, becuase it was patterned and looked like it had brightly coloured crumbs on it. I tried to pick them up, and when I couldn't I laid down and licked the floor. Mummy thought I looked like the pope getting off an aeroplane- Daddy thought Mummy shouldn't let me lick dirty floors... I think if they let me eat the cake, I wouldn't have been so hungry I had too...

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