at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


'Ivy' again

Icecream! they let me eat icecream! Chocolate icecream! nom nom nom nom! It was Eva's and she asked if I could try a bit, but then I was so happy with the spoon I got she gave me more and I ate the lot! (apart from the stuff on my face) Also in this picture, you can see the hat my parents make me wear for swimming and my first tooth that Mummy has been trying to get a clear blip of for ages, i'm obviously a better photographer.

The children were home today- They thought I was amazing. I built lego with Daddy and Victor, played keyboard with Eva and Verena and tried to go backwards up a slide. My house is disctintly missing this slide- it checks all of our family boxes- I like sliding, daddy likes natural wood and mummy clearly has an Ikea obsession. (i've put a saved search on ebay to try and get one second hand

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