Another blip fail

Rubbish photos taken today, meant to take one at swimming but annoying child and mother in changing room made me forget (I was feeding him and the boy kept coming up to Wom and shouting boo, the mother just laughed)

Wom appeared to enjoy swimming again, only crying when I was taking his wetsuit off / I was almost crying too as it seemed to have shrunk from when we had put it on!

Went into Worcester this pm to look for shoes for Charlotte in M&S, none suitable and it was so busy everywhere.

Nursery rang to say Charlotte was running a temperature, Calpol was given. She was fine in herself though so who knows.

Total tinker again at bedtime tonight. Lots of major meltdowns over little things, who knows why!

Took this picture of wom whilst shopping, as you can see he's wasn't terribly impressed

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