
By Grapefruits

Fancy a roll in the hay

more and more farms are storing their hay in rolls, for one thing they are a lot easier to move around the farm just poke it with a spear attachment on the front of the tractor no man handling of the small bales or hydraulic grabbers but the biggest advantage is that round bales will last quite well in the weather. The hay will form a “crust” of spoiled hay on the outside but the inside of the bale will remain quite good. Square bales will most of the time spoil faster as there are cut edges on two sides of the bales allowing moisture to “wick” into the bale. Think of a rolled up newspaper,, the outside gets wet and soggy but the inside remains dry. but if you take that same newspaper cut it in half and stand it up on the cut edges the water penetrates fairly easily. Simplesssssssss chk chk

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