at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

The terminal

I don't think Ivy would mind living in an airport like Tom Hanks. She had fun with lots of people to chat to her. We stopped for coffee- the man serving made fun of me for forgetting to pluralise cappicino and Ivy leaned the word dog (which she pronounces Dug) when she saw a golden retriever. She got frightened when it barked at her though.

She was impecibably behaved on the flight- she nursed to sleep at takeoff and then when she woke up charmed the Italian ladies sitting behind us who worringly wanted to check with Euan where the clutch was in a British car and what way you go round roundabouts. She only was upset for a few moments when Euan went to the toilet and a change in pressure hurt her ears.

Grandma Tracey collected us from the airport. Ivy seemed very pleased to be back in her old car seat and fell asleep very quickly.

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