I am waiting for my Boss!

Poor Millie after a nice adventure and a good swimming session she was exhausted haha!We arrived before her Boss so she was waiting at the door. It was too hot. She wanted to get inside but the door was closed and the door flap doesn't work. I think she wanted having a drink. That is what she always does so I went to my car and got some water I had. I poured it in one plastic thing I found on the floor . She drank them and we started to play with the ball . She was very happy playing with me and me too.
I took a few pictures in the front garden and at the door. It is a lovely old cottage where we go for our art class. Beautiful and cool in this hot weather .
I like the flowers reflecting on the window. I think it was nice for my blip today!
Suddenly her Boss arrived and she went to run to receive her at the gate. She was very happy to see Heath (her Boss)
She was a good girl like always and gave me a lot of kisses today. I tried to take another picture together but it was impossible haha! She is very kind and obedient and doesn't cause me any trouble so I am happy to take her for a walk with me after my art classes .
Hope you like the picture and made you smile a little bit.
Thanks a for the lovely comments for my swan and the boy who tried to get my attention in yesterday's blip.

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