
By Tosin

A very fun mini reunion in Columbia,MD!

Met up with some of my BFFs from high school. We have known each other since we were about 10 -12 years old. Hard to tell from this photo but that was more than 30 years ago:-) Here we now - 4 Engineers (one with a PhD), 1 Accountant and 1 Pharmacist, have come a long way - praise God!

We had so much fun reminiscing about our school days in Lagos, Nigeria, our 30 year high school reunion in Malta last year (with 45 of us flying in from 7 countries) and talked about everything under the sun.

Started arriving at the restaurant from 5pm and didn't leave until after 11pm. Lost count of how many times we said goodbye:( Will miss them but hope to see everyone at our 35 year in 2018 if not before. These are endearing friendships that last a lifetime.

True friendship is not being inseperable, it's being seperated and nothing changes - Anon

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