Extraction 1 and 2

Extraction 3 and 4 are in two weeks time.

In preparation for the start of orthodontic treatment in a few weeks, James has to have to 'baby' teeth (both molars) and two adult pre-molars extracted. One of each, left and right.

He has been telling me he wasn't worried. He was worried. If he told me once he wasn't nervous, he told me a hundred times.

However, we were greeted by a new dentist today and she was absolutely brilliant. She explained, she was calm, she reassured James at every step of the way and he came away two teeth lighter, with no panic or agitation (which is the normal state of play at the dentist for him) and entertained by his general level of drooliness.

In fact, he went so far as to crack a joke of sorts, that if he was turned into a superhero at that point, he would be NUMBFACE ! Clearly his powers would involve rendering people incapable of speaking clearly, making them drool and causing them to have to drink through a straw.

He did have to take an ibuprofen a couple of hours afterwards - this also was a first as he has never taken a tablet before. Last time he had paracetamol or ibuprofen was when he was less than two years old (Calpol, our old friend!). Aside from one bottle of antibiotic liquid a couple of years ago for a chest infection, he's never needed anything else. So, taking the tablet was entertaining as he couldn't figure out how to swallow the damn thing! Got there eventually.

The rest of the day has involved lounging around on the sofa together whilst he pretended that he wasn't tired or sore.

He's a champ my boy!

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