Rewarding day
Exhausting day. Headed into school to help with an eco task (environmental review) including interesting conversations with 10 year boys about flushing toilets. They are keen as mustard though (not on flushing toilets in particular, but on eco stuff and being helpful) which is always a tonic for the days when all you seem to hear is stories of 'youths hanging about' and 'that'll be those yobs have done that' and the like.
We have a store room. It was going to be a gym (hahaha) but we 'temporarily' put some boxes in, and then a few more. And then piled some junk on the top and then carefully closed the door and left it be for 5 years. Yesterday Mr B called from B&Q.
"I'm buying some wood and stuff to make some shelving for the storeroom. Could you go and measure it."
"Yes of course dear, what measurements do you need?"
"Oh just the length of the back wall"
"The back wall? The one behind 5 years worth of floor to ceiling junk? Yep, I'll just pop down there, learn how to move through solid objects and measure that for you with my magic 'measuring through solid objects' tape."
Except I didn't say that, obviously.
I did say something very similar when Mr B came home with the materials and expressed surprise that I'd emptied most of the stuff out of the storeroom.
Anyway, slight diversion from the day. So, he built the shelves this morning, and this afternoon we sorted through 5 years' worth of stuff and now have a tidy storeroom (do you know, turns out it has a floor!) and a huge pile of boxes and rubbish in the living room waiting to be sorted and transferred to the waste recycling depot (tip). One wonderful find down there was a graduated filter - in just the right size to fit in my holder thingy. No idea when I bought it, or why (since I clearly bought it long before I had the adaptor for it to fit into) but I've been after one for ages. Now just need some daylight to try it out in.
Much of what was down their was Mr B's old toys, so I also had a spell on the internet trying to figure out how much his boxed, unopened early 70s model cars were worth. (Not enough to make it worth doing anything with them, I think.) The kids were overwhelmed with the bounty and spent hours playing 'cowboys and native Americans'.
I had to head out to a Parent Council meeting so didn't find out who won.
I'm going on a bit, so I'll just add that the meeting (my first in charge) was really constructive and we got a lot done. Always a few niggles, and it was tricky to stay out of issues I really wanted to get stuck into (being all independent and Chair-like doesn't come naturally to me), but we came out of it with some great ideas for action.
Oh and to all those (ok, just one) who asked why I didn't blip the car yesterday - we haven't got it yet. It has a dodgy air blower which is being fixed.
So, now for my reward: red wine and Christmas cake. Well deserved today.
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