Prawn Cocktail. Classic starter from the 1960s. And I love it. Always knew I should have been around in the 60s: short skirts, cool music and men with plenty of slicked back dark hair... (so not at all like my life then?)
Anyway, back to dinner blips. Though Conor, spotting that his Dad was in the background of this shot, berated him for not holding his arms out in the proper bliptogether position (I guess all my photos of Conor will be like that for the next few months...)
Not much else happened today: made some crafty stuff, made a good start on Conor's thank you cards (12 down, 357 to go), emptied the store room so Mr B can put some shelves in (always a pleasure - found loads of cool stuff I'd forgotten about, and quite a few things that we've since bought again....). And Mr B bought me a new car. Well, a new old car. I'm not convinced it'll fit in the space we have to park a car in.
Don't have much to write about today, so I'll link to this BBC page about the bomb detector that some guy has been making millions out of. It's been likened to a glorified dowsing rod, but the Iraqi Government has bought thousands at $40,000 each.
"The training manual for the device says it can even, with the right card, detect elephants, humans and 100 dollar bills."
Elephants. You couldn't make it up. If it wasn't so tragic it would be hilarious.
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