Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Holy shot!

Basically my brassicas are buggered.
They've survived the earwigs and slugs and the on and off weather of spring; the wind the rain and the recent hot, dry weather. They've grown tall and strong and sprouted purple and green broccoli, calabrese heads, cauliflower heads and even started sprouting tiny little sprout balls ready for Autumn and Winter. But they can't cope with the cabbage white butterflies or, more to the point, their caterpillars.
I know I should have got in early and scraped off the eggs but I had so much to do and kept putting it off, and now it's too late and the whole lot is shot to bits. It's a like a great load of green skeletons, and the white butterflies keep on coming.

I've gone off white butterflies.

I think it would have helped if we'd had more rain and some cooler days, but these non-stop hot dry days have been perfect for butterflies.

In other news: Tess has spent the whole of her first day of the summer holidays at her friend's house and has had a wonderful time. She's properly exhausted now.
I'm trying to get on top of a load of bookwork and spreadsheets in order to do the VAT return by the end of the month, but I've got really horrid period pains and exhaustion and brain fog, and Mum came out for a visit so I didn't really get much done.

I just heard someone from a programme about making wacky sheds describe one of the creators as "as mad as a box of frogs". They didn't seem even vaguely mad to me, but I guess that's because they haven't met our mother.

Richard's kind of had the day off, but I didn't see much of him and he ended up going to and from the shop about 3 times for various reasons: banking and taking a delivery and stuff... He doesn't seem to mind though. Someone needs to glue him to a garden chair and make him look at clouds and learn to relax and just do nothing expect enjoy breathing sometime...

Especially as I've spent so long making pretty cabbage doilies for everyone to enjoy...

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