
By Janewatt

Finally made it

It's been a very long hot, hard day.

I have to let my house during the summer months and stay in a mobile home on the coast. I've just been home for a week and had to leave again tonight. I didn't want the animals wrecking the house cleaning process, so my two cats were shut in a cool barn for the day and my dog was chained up in a wooded area with shade, kennel and water.

They would be transported with me in my ancient campervan to the mobile home once the new guests arrived.

However, my oldest cat, Ella, fat and no longer agile at 14 hates cat carriers and travelling again and somehow managed to balance on the slippery slope of a high angled windowsill and claw open the window. Window blocked, she enlarged a tiny hole in the door and scrambled out. Confined to the cat carrier inside the barn, she again escaped breaking the cat carrier bars. None of these feats were achieved by her 9 month old, slim, athletic companion, Toots.

And so the scorching hot day passed.

Clients eventually settled, we departed for the campsite with Ella yowling "No" the whole journey (45 minutes). On arrival I released the animals and tried to wipe the foam from Ella's body, but she was having none of it.

All is now calm, and here's a photo of Gyp waiting to go down to the beach.

I think we'll all sleep well tonight.

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