A Change Of Plan

The monsters were slightly better behaved today - but not much.
But The Cygnet was good enough to be allowed to go to his best mates for an afternoon of games and gossip.

There were two of us turned up for the camera clubs evening out.

Maybe everyone else was watching the opening of the Commonwealth Games.
We could see there was a fog bank rolling down the Forth, so we headed East to Aberlady.

That was the plan anyway.

We got to Longniddry and stopped to take pictures of the fog bank over Fife.
That was when (the other) dafty found that she had no memory cards for her camera. Needless to say she needed compact flash and I use SD cards.
Mobile phone it was for her then.

At least we could have a nice walk at Aberlady.

Or not!

As we passed the sign for the tea shop at Gosford House I was reliably informed that my passenger knew where Lee Anne's boathouse was.
So we turned round, parked up and went for a walk.

We found it ..... eventually.
What a marvellous place it is.
Loads of herons - and swans - and lovely light on the fields - and deer (when the camera had been put away of course)

It was a super evening and it was agreed that more trips are needed.

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